Простите Лилиану за задержку, она совсем разленилась =_________________= Да и искала я просто клип с ансабами, а есть только PV с испаносабами, так что приложу ниже и английский перевод.
На этой неделе снова j-rock, причем песня понравилась сразу же, как впервые услышала во втором опенинге Дюрарары. Подсела, просто подсела *___*
Неделя 5. ROOKiEZ is PUNK'd - Complication (Durarara!! 2nd opening)ПереводTranslation Complication
The sky looks anxious as it threatens to cry
it simply carves away time, having nothing else to do
I swallow these thoughts that have nowhere to go
and I spit out in frustration
Worrying that everything might break
I fear tomorrow
But I know that I won't find any answers
by looking at the day after tomorrow
What will I draw on the blank canvas of tomorrow that stretches endlessly?
What will I draw on the black canvas of tomorrow that's been dyed by reality?
With struggle, it will shine
It feels kind of pathetic that I'm feeling so troubled
I couldn't stand still so I ran
What do I want to do? There's nothing.
I snuck up to the rooftop, to have a smoke
Today's Saize (short for Saizeria, an eatery) was boring
My friends watch me with worried eyes
"I'm not crying" I spit out
but it really sucks having to act tough.
A street that I'm used to walking
I finally got an ipod
Some cheap rap that has no meaning
I'm carrying a bag that feels heavy for some reason
A place that should feel warm to me
I open a window to let out that dark air
I'm about to be crushed by the pressure
so I retreat to the park I always go to
Worrying that everything might break
I fear tomorrow
But I know that I won't find any answers
by looking at the day after tomorrow
What will I draw on the blank canvas of tomorrow that stretches endlessly?
What will I draw on the black canvas of tomorrow that's been dyed by reality?
With struggle, it will shine
In this limited amount of time
I'll try to draw myself
That's all I need for now
What will I draw on the blank canvas of tomorrow that stretches endlessly?
What will I draw on the black canvas of tomorrow that's been dyed by reality?
With struggle, it will shine
What will I draw on the blank canvas of tomorrow that stretches endlessly?
What will I draw on the black canvas of tomorrow that's been dyed by reality?
With struggle, it will shine