Day 1-3. Three favorite solos of S2.
Naya Rivera - Santana Lopez
Charice - Sunshine Corazon
Lea Michele - Rachel Berry
Но тут должно быть ещё много соло, которые я люблю х__х
Day 4-6. Three favorite duets of S2.
Lea Michele & Chris Colfer - Rachel Berry & Kurt Hummel
Lea Michele & Mark Salling - Rachel Berry & Noah 'Puck' Puckerman
Lea Michele & Jonathan Groff - Rachel Berry & Jessie St. James
Day 7-9. The favorite group numbers of S2.
Leading solo: Kevin McHale & Naya Rivera - Artie Abrams & Santana Lopez
Leading solo: Lea Michele & Cory Monteith - Rachel Berry & Finn Hudson
Leading solo: Naya Rivera & Kevin McHale & Heather Morris & Cory Monteith & Lea Michele - Santana Lopez & Artie Abrams & Brittany S. Pierce & Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry
Day 10-12. Three favorite episodes of S2.
Ep.10 - A very Glee Christmas
Ep.18 - Born this way
Ep.21 - Funeral
Day 13-15. Three favorite couples of S2.
Kurtchel, Finnchel, Brittana
Day 16-18. Three scene that made you cry in S2.
Похороны Джин из 21 серии.
Вся 10-я серия.
Somewhere only we know из 18 серии.
Day 19-21. Three scenes that made you happy in S2.
Dog days are over из 9 серии.
Рождественский праздник от Сью в доме Уилла из 10 серии.
Эммм... даже и не вспомню XD
Day 22-24. Three scenes that made you laugh in S2.
Make 'Em Laugh из 7 серии.
Barbravention из 18 серии.
Дуэт Тины и Майка из 4 серии.
Days 25-27. Three favorite quotes from S2.
Coach Beiste: Alright, New Directions, Titans - we're going to zombie camp.
Santana: So freaking charming.
Mercedes: At this school the thing that makes you different is the thing that people use to crush your spirit.
Day 28-30. Three songs they need to cover in next season.
Didn't think about it, actually.