Перепост только приветствуется!
Внимание-внимание, говорит FMA-фандом!!!
Идёт всемирный видео-проект "Don't Forget"!!!
Dearheart организовывает большой видео-проект ко Дню Алхимика 3 октября под названием "Project Don't Forget"! Если вы владеете английским языком, и вам не страшно показать и проявить себя - внесите вклад в этот проект! И фандом вас не забудет!
- Что нужно для того, чтобы участвовать в проекте?- Только два: искренне любить ФМА и знание английского языка. А также не бояться показать себя и доказать миру, что российский и русскоговорящий фандом ничем не хуже мирового!
- Я умею говорить на английском, и у меня нет комплексов по поводу проявления себя. Что я должен(а) сделать, чтобы внести вклад?Записать видео на английском с рассказом о том, почему вы любите ФМА. Видео должны быть залиты на YouTube и являться видео-ответом на оригинальное видео, данное выше.
- О чём именно я должен(а) рассказывать? Как быть с возможными спойлерами?Dearheart предлагает вам специальную форму ответа, по которому вы должны рассказывать о нашем любимом фандоме (
жирным указано то, что обязательно должно быть в вашей речи,
курсивом - tips о том, что именно рассказывать):
Аутлайн, или то, о чём вы должны рассказать в видеоThere is no such thing as a perfect story...but Fullmetal Alchemist comes close. Action, adventure, fantasy, philosophy, drama, romance, comedy, tragedy...FMA’s got something in it for everyone, and it has a message for every heart. It’s not just another anime. It’s a journey.
Let me tell you about it: (in your own words, briefly summarize the basic premise of the story. Make sure to keep it SPOILER FREE! Don't say anything about parallel worlds or Amestris being a giant soul-sucking transmutation circle, haha.)
I found FMA... (briefly describe when and how you discovered FMA, and how you first reacted to it.)
And I fell in love with it because... (tell us what things drew you into the story and why, and how it affected you. Feel free to tie in personal experiences and ways you related to FMA, if you feel comfortable doing so.)
Sure, the alchemy and adventure is cool, but what FMA is REALLY about is... ("Sacrifice." "Love." "Brotherhood." "Humanity." "Overcoming pain." Etc. State some of the themes you saw in FMA. You may use up to five words, whether it's one sentence or lots of separate words. The point is to keep it short, sweet and to-the-point. And if you want to elaborate a bit after saying them, feel free.)
Fullmetal Alchemist is the kind of story that... (describe a few ways how you think it impacts the viewers and readers. "Makes you laugh", "makes you cry", "makes you think about life", "touches you", "stays with you", etc.)
FMA taught me... (state a couple of lessons from FMA that really stuck with you. "You have to give if you want to gain." "Family is precious." "Pain doesn't define you; it's what you do with it that counts." "True love can't be bound by the laws of equivalent exchange." Etc. Doesn't matter how cheesy or stupid it sounds, as long as it's meaningful to you!)
This is what Fullmetal Alchemist means to me. This is how it touched my heart. This is how it touched the hearts of millions of fans, just like me, all across the world.
Fullmetal Alchemist, I will never forget you. Обязательное условие - СПОЙЛЕР ФРИ. В ответе не должно быть ни единого слова о том, какая судьба ждёт страну, гомункулах, составе фил. камня - в общем, всего того, чего может не знать незнакомый с каноном человек.
- До какого числа я должен всё это опубликовать?- Дедлайн -
24 29 сентября. Все видео должны быть залиты на YouTube в ответ на
первоначальное видео. Длительность видео - не более 10 минут (в случае, если есть много пауз - отредактировать в видео-редакторе).
- А если я чувствую неуверенно перед камерой и вообще не хочу мелькать в видео, но всё равно хочу участвовать?Ничего страшного! Аудио-ответ тоже вполне подойдёт ;)
- А я даже голосом отвечать стесняюсь!И это не страшно. Вы можете ответить на вопросы в
этой теме (если вы зарегистрированы на форуме fullmetal-alchemist.com) ;)
- А когда я смогу увидеть само видео Dearheart?- В День Алхимика - 3 октября 2011 года ;)
Так что - chop chop, господа, времени осталось совсем немного!
Для тех, кто интересуется оригинальным текстом призыва - с треда (возможно, оригинал ещё содержит некоторые пропущенные мною пункты):
читать дальшеHey you!
Yes, YOU!
ALL of you!
I'm planning something reeeaaaally awesome for October 3rd, and I need YOUR help to do it!
What is Project Don’t Forget?
A well-told and well-loved story can be one of the most powerful things in the world, and Fullmetal Alchemist is no exception. This is a chance for you to tell the world YOUR Fullmetal story - why you love FMA, what it means to you and how it’s impacted your life. Every fan has a story, and the goal of Project Don’t Forget is to bring those stories together.
How can I be a part of it, and how do I enter?
Using the outline I've provided for you below, share what Fullmetal Alchemist means to you and record it on video. Then post it as a video response to this announcement video. Be sure to post it by the deadline - September 24th. (If you don’t have a webcam or video camera, an audio recording is acceptable.)
EDIT: If you don't know how to post a "video response" on YouTube...go to my announcement video and click on the comment box. Right next to it on the right should appear a link that says "Create a video response". Click on that, select your uploaded entry and submit!
If you don’t have a microphone either, or don’t want to be in a video at all, you can still be a part of the project by sharing your story on Our Fullmetal Stories thread.
***What should I say in the video?***
Right below is the outline I’d like you to follow. Please say aloud everything that’s bolded, and then use your own words to fill in the rest. The stuff in italics explains what to do and gives examples of what I’m looking for, so read it carefully! I recommend you take some time to look this over and put together your thoughts and what you’d like to say. Feel free to read through and practice a few times, write it down or print it out, if you want. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it’s still good to be prepared! And remember, the most important thing is that it's YOUR story and that it comes from your heart! Make it your own!
There is no such thing as a perfect story...but Fullmetal Alchemist comes close. Action, adventure, fantasy, philosophy, drama, romance, comedy, tragedy...FMA’s got something in it for everyone, and it has a message for every heart. It’s not just another anime. It’s a journey.
Let me tell you about it: (in your own words, briefly summarize the basic premise of the story. Make sure to keep it SPOILER FREE! Don't say anything about parallel worlds or Amestris being a giant soul-sucking transmutation circle, haha.)
I found FMA... (briefly describe when and how you discovered FMA, and how you first reacted to it.)
And I fell in love with it because... (tell us what things drew you into the story and why, and how it affected you. Feel free to tie in personal experiences and ways you related to FMA, if you feel comfortable doing so.)
Sure, the alchemy and adventure is cool, but what FMA is REALLY about is... ("Sacrifice." "Love." "Brotherhood." "Humanity." "Overcoming pain." Etc. State some of the themes you saw in FMA. You may use up to five words, whether it's one sentence or lots of separate words. The point is to keep it short, sweet and to-the-point. And if you want to elaborate a bit after saying them, feel free.)
Fullmetal Alchemist is the kind of story that... (describe a few ways how you think it impacts the viewers and readers. "Makes you laugh", "makes you cry", "makes you think about life", "touches you", "stays with you", etc.)
FMA taught me... (state a couple of lessons from FMA that really stuck with you. "You have to give if you want to gain." "Family is precious." "Pain doesn't define you; it's what you do with it that counts." "True love can't be bound by the laws of equivalent exchange." Etc. Doesn't matter how cheesy or stupid it sounds, as long as it's meaningful to you!)
This is what Fullmetal Alchemist means to me. This is how it touched my heart. This is how it touched the hearts of millions of fans, just like me, all across the world.
Fullmetal Alchemist, I will never forget you.
What are the rules?
1. The deadline is September 24th, Saturday.
2. Keep your video/audio under 10 minutes. If there are large pauses, edit them out before you post it. And make sure there is no music or noise in the background. All I want to hear is your voice.
3. Your entry MUST be posted as a video response to my announcement video, and please put your YouTube username in the video title, so it'll be easier for me to keep track of whose entry is whose. I'd also appreciate it if you post the link to your video on this thread, or message it to me, so I have a “backup” place where I can find it.
4. You MUST follow the outline I’ve provided above. This will help give structure to everyone’s videos and make it easier for me to work with them. It will also help the flow and vision I have in mind for the final product.
5. Keep it spoiler-free. Don’t say anything like “OMG HUGHES DIED AND I FLOODED THE WORLD WITH MY TEARS BLAH BLAH BLAH…” Alright?*
6. THIS IS NOT A SOAPBOX FOR YOU TO RANT ABOUT WHICH ANIME VERSION IS SUPERIOR OR HOW YOUR ONE TRUE PAIRING IS THE “BEST EVAR!!!1” Just. Don’t. Go there.** This project is to celebrate EVERYTHING Fullmetal Alchemist related, because that’s how awesome it is, and that’s what it deserves. So keep it positive. Or else. If I see ANY negativity in your entry, about ANY FMA version, I’ll DQ it faster than you can say “milk”.
7. Have fun! THAT’S AN ORDER! If you're not enjoying it, you're missing the whole spirit of the project!
*It’s alright to mention how a character death or some other story event affected you; just don’t give away who dies or who kills who. Keep it general. The final “Don’t Forget” video will be aimed both at fans AND people who haven’t seen FMA, so we don’t want to ruin anything.
**Likewise, it’s fine to mention how the romantic relationships in FMA affected you; but again, keep it general and spoiler-free. I’d also appreciate it if you kept it to official canon couples (or semi-canon, like AlMei, LingFan, etc). I don’t have anything against yaoi/non-canon couples or the people who ship them, but since we’re talking about the real FMA story and not fanfiction, I think it’s better if we just stick to the author-approved stuff. No offense meant, I assure you!
Anything else I should know?
- In case it hasn't been made clear yet, I'm going to be downloading all of your videos and using them to create a trailer/documentary-style video. I will post the finished product on FMA Day, October 3rd. Now this project isn't a contest; there is no winning or losing. But I can't guarantee that I'll be able to use every entry in the final video! It depends on how many entries I get and how well they'll work with what I have in mind for it. So please don't take it personally if your entry doesn't make it in!
- I will be making a YouTube playlist with every entry I received...including the ones that didn't make it into the final video. And when I unveil the finished product on October 3rd, at the end of the video I will post links to where people can browse through the playlist, look at everyone's entries, and read the other participants' testimonials on the Fullmetal Stories thread. So even if I can't fit all your entries into the main video, each and every one I get will still be part of the overall project. Nobody will be left out there!
Though the final video is the main event of the project, the project itself is simply about sharing everything that people love about FMA. The spirit of it is more about the journey than the destination, you might say. That's what it celebrates. That way, everyone wins!
So please please PLEASE join in! I want to get as many fans on board as possible! Also, just as an incentive...there will possibly be an extra surprise thrown in for all my fellow fans. A really BIG, really MIND-BLOWING surprise. POSSIBLY. So don't miss out!! And when in doubt, ask! If you have any questions or comments, or any trouble or technical difficulties, don't hesitate to speak up or message me.
Happy early FMA Day!! Can't wait to see what you guys will give me!
PS: If you'd like a little extra inspiration, here's the song I'll most likely be using for the final "Don't Forget" video. Enjoy! www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHZgdsoVvhA